GrantShares, a Decentralized Grants Program, Opens for Submissions

GrantShares, a Decentralized Grants Program, Opens for Submissions

GrantShares, a Decentralized Grants Program, Opens for Submissions

GrantShares, a Decentralized Grants Program, Opens for Submissions

Jun 14, 2022

Jun 14, 2022

Jun 14, 2022







Today, a new funding channel opens for Neo Ecosystem contributors and contributors-to-be: GrantShares.

GrantShares is a decentralized and transparent grants program, and today we are opening our doors for submissions. If you are interested in building, designing, networking, presenting, or advertising for Neo but are in need of monetary support, GrantShares is the new place where you can get support for your work.

GrantShares is governed by the GrantShares DAO and allows anyone to publicly propose a project and apply for a grant. The goal of GrantShares is to give the Neo community more agility to execute initiatives beyond the existing funding programs in the ecosystem — the support tracks offered by Neo Global Development through Eco Support. GrantShares offers an alternative avenue to seed new development projects at a grassroots level. It also offers existing community members the opportunity to unleash their creativity in new experimental projects. GrantShares will support relatively small grant requests (up to $50,000 USD). Selected applications must be of the highest quality and must show potential to bring value to the Neo ecosystem. An important aspect is that GrantShares is not limited to technical projects only: It also welcomes projects related to marketing, documentation, tutorials, research, events, and more.

The GrantShares DAO is composed of a small group of prominent community members that were initially appointed by the Neo Foundation. These members are AxLabs, COZ, Red4Sec, NGD, NSPCC, NNT, NEXT, NeoResearch, and ngdenterprise. These initial DAO members were chosen due to their impact and reach in the Neo community over the years, providing them with an informed opinion on what the Neo ecosystem requires to thrive. Through an on-chain voting process, the DAO members have the final say on whether or not a grant should be approved. However, anyone can take part in the discussions (off-chain) and influence the final decision.

The funds in the DAO’s treasury will be sourced primarily from the Neo Foundation. All grants are distributed in the form of tokens (initially, GAS and NEO). More in-depth documentation about the DAO will be incrementally added to the GrantShares Docs website

As one of Neo’s first DAOs, GrantShares aims to inspire more DAO-related projects on the Neo blockchain. GrantShares also has plans to distribute its decision power to more participants in the long term by providing active governing instruments for the Neo community.

Learn more

Go to, get familiar with the Proposal Process, and launch the App to get started with your project proposal. Just make sure that you are precise and structured in expressing the project’s goals and necessary tasks. Everyone’s time is limited. Vague or unclear proposals will not capture the community’s attention.

GrantShares is developed and maintained by AxLabs, with support from Neo News Today, Red4Sec, COZ, and other sponsored Neo developer communities.

To stay in touch with us and keep up to date on all things GrantShares, connect with us on Twitter.

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